Editor Window (Part 1)

In unity, Editor windows are windows which are created by developers to be used by developers in Editor, it’s more like a plugin for Unity editor made by You.
By learning Editor Window scripting, one is able to create any type of windows to ease their work while working in editor.
Official Definition: “Create your own custom editor window that can float free or be docked as a tab, just like the native windows in the Unity interface.

I am going to start a series which will cover almost all the topics related to EDITOR WINDOW. In this series I am going to make a “LevelDesigner” plugin dittoing the zoo tycoon GUI and functionalities.
Fortunately, we will learn about: Creating Editor window, creating all types of GUI, Modifying GUI Skin, Instantiating prefabs loaded from resources, and lots more….

So, tag along with me till the end of this series and let’s see How far we can Go.
I have also just started learning Unity Editor Scripting so it’s not an Expert Blog, we are walking in this journey together.

So, let’s get Started ….

Create Necessary folders

Step1. Create a folder named “Editor”: This folder will contain all the scripts which we want to run in editor.
Step2. Create a folder named “Resources”: This folder will contain our all texture, prefabs which we will load using our scripts.


Step1. Create a Script name it accordingly, mine is called AssetManager.
Step2. Add library “using UnityEditor”. After that remove that Monobehaviour and write EditorWindow.
Step3. Write down this piece of code.

Line no. 32 will create an option named Zoo Tycoon and a dropdown panel with option Assets manager in Unity Engine Toolbar.

Line no.33 starts a function, you can name this function anything, just make sure it’s a static function.
After that create a variable named window of type of your script name and initialize it.
To show your window just write “window.show”.

It will look something like this in unity.

Step4. Creating GUI for our Window
To create the GUI for over window we will use OnGui(), and all the code will come within, related to our GUI.

What we are going to MIMIC is something like this:
So 1stwe will make a Toolbar.
Declare two global variables as shown below:

toolbarStrings will hold the name of our toolbar’s headers, and _toolbar_sel will hold the value of current toolbar selected.
After that in Your OnGui()
Write down these lines.

In this the main code is on line no. 43 which creates a toolbar with the names stored in are array, and then initialize the current selected toolbar to _toolbar_sel.
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal() is used to make sure our GUI is made horizontally instead of vertically.

 GUILayout.EndHorizontal() is use to help understand compiler that code after this will be made vertically.

GUILayout.Toolbar() is used to create a Toolbar.

Save your script and switch back to unity.

That’s all for Today
In next Blog of our series Editor Window we will learn to create sub toolbar in our toolbar.

Till Than Happy Coding!!!



Emre Oy Tarafından Tasarlanmıstır

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