Welcome Developers, roll your sleeves and let’s get started with understanding triggers in unity.
I strongly recommend to check my previous blog about Colliders before starting with this one.

Triggers are nothing else but colliders with istrigger property on. If we turn on istrigger property of our collider than firstly it doesn’t collide with other colliders instead pass through them.

Secondly, we can use Unity build in functions for triggers to manipulate our game whenever our trigger is triggered.

How to trigger our triggers?
To understand that let’s create a project in unity and follow up with me.
Step 1. Scene setup.
Create a cube, a sphere and another cube.
Make cube1 look like a platform and place cube2 on cube1.
After that place the sphere on top of cube2.Now select your cube2 and in inspector under box collider, tick is trigger option and untick mesh renderer.
Your scene will somewhat look like this:

Step 2: Write a script

Attach this script to your trigger gameobject and Hit play.
Whopiee over sphere is hovering.

This is just a small example of trigger so that we understand how gameobject reacts to trigger. You can be creative and do all sorts of thing using triggers.
Some of them can be:
·        Opening a door when player is near a door.
·        Loading a new scene or gameobject- https://youtu.be/dA4oOm3wCIc
·        Making a Hover pad- https://youtu.be/m0fjrQkaES4
·        Destroy gameobjects or destroying gameobjects properties.

That’s all for today.
Until next time Happy Coding!!!
This blog is open to edits and feedback's.



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